About This Cigar | |
Count | 26 Cigars |
Diameter | 54 Ring |
Length | 6 1/2 Inches |
Origin | Nicaragua |
Packaging | Box |
Shape | Regular |
Strength | Medium-Full |
Wrapper | Maduro |
Padron is one of the most celebrated cigar manufacturers in the world, having earned more 90-and-above ratings in Cigar Aficionado than any other non-Cuban brand. These cigars are made entirely with Nicaraguan sun-grown Habano leaves, which are all aged for a minimum of 2 years. This lengthy aging process results in a characteristically Nicaraguan smoke with notes of earth, cocoa, coffee, pepper, and a bit of sweetness on the finish that nicely rounds out the experience. Padron cigars burn straight, draw generously, and stay incredibly smooth and flavorful from when you toast the foot to the moment you set down the nub. SOC