About This Cigar | |
Count | 11 Cigars |
Diameter | 54 Ring |
Length | 6 Inches |
Origin | Nicaragua |
Packaging | Box |
Strength | Medium-Full |
Wrapper | Nicaraguan |
Romeo y Julieta Eternal cigars were crafted as a love letter to customers who have faithfully smoked their wares for one hundred and forty-five years. To create a cigar that celebrates both their passion for cigars and the aficionados who smoke them, Romeo y Julieta turned to the world-famous Plasencia family. Romeo y Julieta Eternal utilizes the choicest Nicaraguan tobacco from Plasencia's private reserve for every aspect of its construction. The result is a once-in-a-lifetime puro with medium to full strength and abundant mouth-watering flavor. At six inches and a fifty-four ring gauge, the Romeo y Julieta Eternal will provide over forty minutes of pure smoking bliss. Each box of the Eternal comes with a gold band as a symbol of Romeo y Julieta's undying affection for its customers. SOC