About This Cigar | |
Count | 16 Cigars |
Diameter | 60 Ring |
Length | 6 Inches |
Origin | Nicaragua |
Packaging | Box |
Shape | GORDO |
Strength | Full |
Wrapper | Nicaraguan |
Cohiba Nicaragua is the first Nicaraguan cigar released by Cohiba which General Cigar Co. is proud to release. The Cohiba Nicaragua uses Nicaragua tobacco for the binder and filler and a Honduran Jamastran Colorado oscuro wrapper that was rolled at company's Nicaraguan factory. This superb cigar has a reddish mocha brown wrapper with a slight...Cohiba Nicaragua is the first Nicaraguan cigar released by Cohiba which General Cigar Co. is proud to release. The Cohiba Nicaragua uses Nicaragua tobacco for the binder and filler and a Honduran Jamastran Colorado oscuro wrapper that was rolled at company's Nicaraguan factory. This superb cigar has a reddish mocha brown wrapper with a slight oily texture releasing aromas of rich chocolate, black pepper, and leather. This is a rich, complex, nutty, and savory cigar with plenty of creamy smoke released. Jhonys Diaz, Vice President of Operations of General Cigar says, It was a laborious process to develop a Nicaraguan cigar to complement the existing Cohiba portfolio. This cigar is layered and sophisticated. It delivers the complexity and strength of Nicaragua, with a bold and balanced flavor not achieved by any Nicaraguan puro on the market. The Cohiba Nicaragua is blended using with exquisite hand-selected leaves from Esteli and Jalapa making it a medium-full bodied cigar. The first puff to the last, the Cohiba Nicaragua is an excellent smoke that is well-balanced and has complex flavors making it a wonderful smoking experience. SOC