About This Cigar | |
Count | 20 Cigars |
Diameter | 54 Ring |
Length | 6 1/4 Inches |
Origin | Nicaragua |
Packaging | Box |
Strength | Medium |
Wrapper | Connecticut |
Yagua cigars offer aficionados the most personalized tobacco experience of their lives, making sure each cigar is a richly unique and nostalgic smoke. Inspired by a classical Cuban technique, every Yagua cigar skips the modern rolling process and instead takes twenty cigars, gently adds a Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper, and then tightly binds them all into a royal palm leaf. After aging for a full year to ripen its full-bodied flavors, the Yagua bundle is shipped. Once it arrives, the binding process has made each cigar a unique shape with its own unique shape, draw, and consistency. Built from a powerful blend of Nicaraguan tobacco, and coming in at six inches with a fifty-four ring gauge, the Yagua is the perfect choice for individualistic smokers. SOC